There will be ONE order DEADLINE for each SET of lunches. Each set of lunches will include 3 or 4 dates. Please ensure you order for all dates that you need before the posted deadline. Sorry, late orders cannot be accepted.
Previous PAC policy was to honour all orders, whether the orders have been paid or not, to minimize the incidences of confusion and a student is sent to school without a lunch. Sadly, this has resulted in a large number of incidences of families receiving their orders but not paying their account balances.
Going forward, accounts must be paid in full before the deadline to receive your order. Accounts with balances from the previous school year will need to be paid before any new orders can be made.
Payment by credit card through Munchalunch is the safest method to ensure your child receives their lunch. We are run by volunteers who have other full-time jobs; therefore, keeping track of cash and cheque payments is not guaranteed by the required order deadlines.
If this method of payment poses a hardship, please contact us directly at graypaclunch@gmail.com and grayelementarypac@gmail.com.
HOW TO REGISTER: Go to https://munchalunch.com/schools/gray/
If you already have an account, select “Login Here” then follow the prompts to update your child(ren)’s class(es).
If you are new and need an account, select “Register Here” and follow the prompts to add your child(ren).
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at graypaclunch@gmail.com.
Remember on you have logged in click on the Gray PAC – HOT LUNCH PROGRAM button, then follow the prompts to update your child(ren)’s class(es).
Do not use the Gray Elementary – SCHOOL button, that is for payments to the school not for the Lunch Program.