Dear Parents,
You are an important part of our school community. Please visit our website to learn more about the opportunities your student is finding at Gray.
The Gray Family Handbook discusses the daily expectations of students at Gray. This is a good start to understanding the expectations at Gray Elementary.
Important Phone Numbers
Gray Elementary Main Line and Absentee Line – 604.594.2474 (
Fax Number – 604.594.1731
** Please remember that Gray telephone lines are to be used for school purposes and NOT to arrange playtimes, pick up times, etc…
Reporting Students Absence
If your child will be absent, PLEASE CONTACT THE SCHOOL before 8:55 a.m. Please email the school at The school phone has an answering machine to record messages before 8:30 a.m. and after 4:00 p.m. Unexplained absences will be followed up by our Administrative Assistances. To assist us in our efforts to protect your child, please ensure that we have your correct phone number for home and work, as well as other emergency contact numbers.
Helpful Links:
Booking Parent Teacher Conferences on Parent Connect
Gray Twitter Account: @GrayLearners
District Parent Advisory Council (DPAC)
Link To Delta Academies Website
Instructions to Sync Passowrds on Parent Connect
Parent Connect Sign On Instructions – English
Parent Connect Sign On Instructions – Punjabi
Parent Connect Sign On Instructions – Chinese
Parent Teacher Interview Sign Up Instructions
Procedure 491 – Student Transportation by Volunteer Drivers
Information Systems Acceptable Use – Administrative Procedure 140